Here’s How to Find Focus as A Knowledge Worker in 2022

madi thomas
2 min readMay 6, 2022

Seated in a plush arm chair, I watch my friend work as I wait for him to finish so we can get lunch. “This will only take 5 minutes.” He says, typing away hurriedly.


He keeps typing.

“Buzz. Buzz.”

Letting out an exacerbated sigh, he checks his phone. Several minutes of tapping and scrolling elapse until the click-clack of the keyboard returns.


The cycle repeats.

Sound familiar? As a knowledge worker, your focus is gold. So how do you focus on your work in a sea of distractions?

Have a “home base” task manager

Here’s a scenario we’re all familiar with. By the time you realize you’re supposed to be being productive, you’re not quite sure what you’re actually supposed to be doing. Enter task managers. With note taking systems optimized for to-do lists like Evernote and Nirvana, you can create a home base that is constantly updated and prioritized with what needs to be done. This way, no more pesky task escaping your memory.

Turn off notifications

If you haven’t done so already, now is a good time to turn off notifications when you’re working. My phone is set to go into Do Not Disturb mode during work hours, and I’ve also turned off notifications for all apps that aren’t actual people trying to talk to me. Remember, upon getting distracted, it takes 23 minutes to refocus.

Get a task reminder bell

How often does this happen — You sit down to start a task on your computer, but 10 minutes later you’re on a completely different wavelength. You’ve gotten sucked into an internet rabbit hole. Unfortunately, the internet is set up to steal your attention, with obnoxious ads on every article and well, the entirety of human knowledge just a google away. Try taking back your attention with a task reminder bell like focus chirp. The gentle sound will remind you to stay on task when you’ve wandered off without realizing.

If you’re finding it hard to stay on task right now, don’t worry, you’re in good company. Try these steps to reclaim your focus game.

